Jan Muhammad Arcade

93-Ferozpur Road, Near Ichhra Lahore

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RO Plant for Poultry Farms

RO Plant for Poultry Farms 1

Water is an important dietary requirement for poultry.

  • Under normal conditions poultry will consume about twice as much water as food.
  • Water is not only a nutrient. It also softens food and carries it through the body.
  • It aids in digestion and absorption.
  • It cools the body as it evaporates through the birds’ lungs and air sacs.
  • It lubricates joints.
  • Water helps remove waste.
  • It is a major component of blood and a necessary medium for many chemical reactions that help to from meat and eggs.
  • Poor water quality can retard growth, curtail egg production, or produce lower egg quality
  • Feed conversions are positively correlated to the presence of sulfate and copper concentrations in the water, and livability with potassium, chloride, and calcium.
  • Body weight is positively influenced by water hardness and dissolved oxygen and negatively influenced by total bacteria.